

Published: Mar 16, 2020


The intensification of innovations required system approach, including at the macro level, which resulted in creation of national innovation systems (NIS). Such systems are designed to support and ensure innovation processes, including creation of favorable conditions for interaction of their different actors (various kinds of business; universities; scientific institutions; state). Each of the actors performs its own role in NIS, which contributes to the total innovation productivity. Methodology. Universities playing a specific role in NIS are an integral subject of innovative activity. Despite considerable attention to this problematics, this role is disclosed in a fragmented manner. Therefore, the research is focused on clarification of theoretical and methodological background to study of the role of universities in NIS, justification of the evolution of universities and definition of their functions in the NIS structure, specification of the key aspects of the disclosure of this role implementation. Results. This paper highlights the increasing importance of education in innovation processes and changed requirements to it, which causes respective changes in curricula, organizational models and approaches to external cooperation with science and business. In this context, the paper discloses the key aspects of interaction between universities and entrepreneurial sector, as well as evolution of universities by a number of features (dominant functions of science; universities as knowledge providers; universities as providers of high-skilled employees; universities as mobilizers of entrepreneurs). The major contradictions of the concept of entrepreneurial university are highlighted. Practical implications. The paper describes the key functions of universities in NIS, including education, R&D, development and promotion of innovations. It is suggested considering the role of universities in NIS within the framework of six key aspects: integrators of ecosystem for innovations; providers of innovations for economy; platform for cooperation; concentrators of resources needed for innovations; mechanism for knowledge transfer and source of skills; pillars of the advanced science and providers of new knowledge. In this context, the emphasis is laid on the need to develop resource and infrastructural potential of universities as well as innovation capabilities. Value/ originality. When summarzing the functions of universities, it is suggested taking into consideration the impact of university activities on the local economic development (regional, urban economy), and considering their role in interaction with international environment. A number of practical recommendations to improve the efficiency of educational and innovative activities in NIS are identified. This will be a basis for future researches.

How to Cite

Kolomytseva, O., & Pavlovska, A. (2020). THE ROLE OF UNIVERSITIES IN THE NATIONAL INNOVATION SYSTEM. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 6(1), 51-58.
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national innovation system, universities, innovative entrepreneurship, ecosystem


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