

Published: Mar 16, 2020

  Gyunduz Mamedov

  Nadiia Babych


The aim of the article is to reveal the modern priority trends in forming incentives for the world green economy development in the context of globalization. The subject of the study is the global priorities for green economy development. Methodology. The scientific literature analysis enables to study the current economic status of the global green economy and to determine strategic priorities and targets of such development, in addition, the dialectical method, scientific abstractions, methods of system analysis are used. The results of the study reveal that the authors propose a perspective on the strategy, ways and mechanisms of the global green economy development. It is proven that a complex structural transformation of the economy is required to increase the share of the high-tech and innovative sectors. Practical implications. The complex analysis of the state of affairs and determining trends in the green economy development under threats and risks, related to the crisis processes in the modern world, is carried out. The study determines the key principles for the formation and implementation of a strategy for the green economy development based on the coherence of strategic priorities and strategic targets of the EU, as well as the need to reform the economic sector in order to develop promising green economy areas in Ukraine. Relevance/originality. The study reveals the state of affairs in the global green economy development, as well as further identification of promising trends of the green economy.

How to Cite

Mamedov, G., & Babych, N. (2020). GREEN ECONOMY: GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT PRIORITIES. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 6(1), 87-91.
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green economy, economic development, innovative development, ways of improvement


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