

Published: May 15, 2020

  Maksym Tsutskiridze

  Anatoliy Bereza


The purpose of the article is to determine the way e-government can reduce corruption in the country and to analyze the dynamics of four indices of corruption in Ukraine. The subject of the research is the features of the civil law nature of electronic money. Methodology. Research methods are chosen based on the object, subject and purpose of the study. When researching, the general scientific and special methods of legal science have been used. Thus, the analysis and synthesis method as well as the logical method have been used to formulate a holistic view on the relationship between e-government and corruption, its features and legal nature. The logical-semantic method has been used to establish the meaning of the concepts “corruption” and “e-government”, “inflation”. The legal modeling method has been applied to formulate the relevant conclusions and propositions. Results. The potential of e-government impact on the level of corruption in the country is analysed, in particular, depersonification, deregulation and transparency. The main obstacles to the implementation of e-government initiatives (problems with the access to the Internet, limited list of electronic services, sabotage by the government officials) and factors affecting the level of corruption (economic freedom, inflation, welfare level, political stability) are highlighted. Practical implication. The comparison of international indicators on the level of development of e-government and the level of corruption in Ukraine does not confirm such dependence, although there is a positive correlation between liberalization of the economic sphere and reduction of the level of corruption. Value/originality. The study shows that e-government as the tool to combat corruption can be effective only in combination with other means. Accordingly, the list and scope of electronic public services should be expanded; this could give impetus to further deregulation, which is a key component of economic freedom.

How to Cite

Tsutskiridze, M., & Bereza, A. (2020). THE IMPACT OF E-GOVERNMENT ON THE LEVEL OF CORRUPTION. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 6(2), 93-99.
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e-government, corruption, public administration, deregulation, political stability, democracy


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