

Published: Dec 8, 2015

  Olha Bilskaya


Purpose of the work is determination of the essence, source base and mechanism of formation of “social innovation” under the conditions of the transitional economy with a market mechanism for ensuring activity in the territory of countries, engaged in the development of a social state. Methodology. To solve this problem, a number of scientific methods was used, such as analysis and synthesis during the critical evaluation of approaches of domestic and foreign authors regarding the nature of “novation”, “developments” and “innovation”, system and structural in the design of the mechanism of cyclic renewal of the institutional content of the regulation system of social development, summarizing in justifying the conceptual terminological apparatus of social innovation, and in particular gradual clarification of the social innovation formulas, abstract and logic when making theoretical generalizations and forming conclusions. Results of the study lead to the need of introducing the term “social” in the scientific and practical use, as normalized inequality in the society to the limits that define the motivational aspects of work, and “innovation” as changes that are generated within the social and economic system. Social innovations were proposed to be interpreted as solutions that can change directly or indirectly selectively fixed institutions in different sectors of the national economy of the country at the appropriate stage of the socialization transformations with compulsory positivization of the social status of subjects of social and economic processes through constructs of mitigation of the revenue and income inequality. It has been proved that the source base of the social innovation is social traditions, which by virtue of multi-purpose certainty are associated with metamorphic feature and stochasticity of a set of proposals of social innovations and their destructive constructs. Practical implications. Organization of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the social innovation will promote to justification of social policy measures and will exclude from the practice of managing the situation regarding a non-professional solution of problems of ensuring public progress. Value/originality. The scientific and practical significance of developments means that they provide a basis for theoretical and methodological justification of processes of social innovation, and should change for the better and welfare.

How to Cite

Bilskaya, O. (2015). ORIGINS OF FORMATION OF SOCIAL INNOVATION IN TRANSITION ECONOMY. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 1(1), 35-41.
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social innovation, concepts, approaches, destruction, formation mechanism, and concept


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