

Published: Aug 5, 2020

  Viktor Oharenko

  Iuliana Kozachenko


The purpose of the paper is to define general trends and approaches to educational reform under the conditions of decentralization in Ukraine. Methodology. The survey is based on the analysis of the development of the regulatory framework of Ukraine for reforming the education sector under the conditions of decentralization. Statistical data on the dynamics of change in the total number of education institutions are studied. The reasons for the decrease in the total number of secondary and vocational education institutions have been identified. The degree of financing of the education sector from the consolidated budget of Ukraine by levels of education is considered. Results. The article outlines general trends and approaches to educational reform under the conditions of decentralization in Ukraine. The problems of the decentralization process, which began in 2014, were emphasized, namely the regional development and unification of territorial communities, which influenced the dynamics of education institutions that gained more autonomy. The dynamics of the total number of education institutions subordinated to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in terms of educational levels is presented. It is determined that the education sector in Ukraine is in transition, and an important component of this process is the correct choice of the vector of movement, taking into account the interests of all stakeholders. It is determined that the decentralization reform affects mechanisms of management in education. It is established that decentralization for higher education institutions should be considered as a means of forming managerial relations in the industry and joint responsibility for the management of the educational process. The experience of Great Britain and the European Union (Denmark, Spain, Poland, Romania, Finland, France) on improving the quality of educational services by strengthening the motivation of teachers using a differentiated payment system is studied and proposed to introduce into the Ukrainian education system. Practical implications. The possibility of introducing the process of educational / school clustering is considered. It is established that the introduction of decentralization opens the way to changes in creating favorable conditions for the emergence and implementation of intellectual needs of the individual. It is proved that the main task of the government in education in the conditions of decentralization is to coordinate the actions of government agencies, education institutions and the public in order to meet the personal needs of citizens and government demands for intellectual and professional enrichment. Value/originality. In the course of the research perspectives for development of education in Ukraine at the level of territorial communities, the process of formation of new opportunities in education for users of educational services is formed.

How to Cite

Oharenko, V., & Kozachenko, I. (2020). STATE REGULATION OF THE EDUCATION SECTOR UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF DECENTRALIZATION. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 6(3), 99-106.
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state regulation, education, decentralization in education, educational subventions, management of education


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