

Published: Jul 29, 2016

  Iryna Lavriv


The aim of the article is to analyze the factors affecting the export capacity of the country and their interpretation by domestic and foreign scientists; to distinguish the basic classification and to form the unified system of factors that affect export potential of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises. On the basis of the classification of factors it is necessary to distinguish the main stages of development of the export opportunities of agrarian formations in the context of European integration. The method. Theoretical and methodological basis of the study is a critical analysis of the fundamental works devoted to the export potential increasing. The given tasks were solved on the basis of a systematic approach with using the scientific methods of analysis and synthesis. The method of abstraction was used in order to research the economic essence of the economic factors that impact the export potential of the company. The combination of the methods of analysis and synthesis were used to determine the priority directions of export opportunities development. The results of the research. The analysis of theoretical approaches to identify factors influencing the export potential of the enterprise is provided. This allowed identifying the several directions of classification. Results of the research helped to shape a common classification of factors that affect the export potential of agricultural enterprises and to distinguish the integration processes as a separate group of factors. On the basis of the classification of the main factors it was formed the phase of development of export opportunities in the context of approximation of the Ukrainian economy to the European standards. The prospects of development of the domestic agriculture export potential under the influence of international integration processes are grounded. They consist of the ability to increase the efficiency by redistribution of export volumes among major importers. The directions of activating the process of increase of efficiency of the basic agricultural branches export potential using by creating a positive image of agricultural enterprises and the directions of improving product competitiveness and quality standards of the European Union are determined. The recommendations for the ways of regulatory policy improvement at forming the legal provision of export potential in the context of European integration are developed (the selective support of structural changes in ways that exclude the possibility of using protectionist instruments by trading partners; creating the information system of foreign trade; expert and consultative support of export transactions). The practical meaning. The practical meaning of the results is the formation of the unified classification and grounding the factors which influence on the export potential of agricultural enterprises. The conclusions can be used in further improving the mechanism of foreign policy in Ukraine, in particular, in the process of the legal and regulatory framework improving, and in the process of assessing the prospects of the development of the international cooperation between Ukraine and foreign countries by Ukrainian ministries and special agencies. Significance/originality. The formed classification of factors will help to provide a better understanding of the export potential formation and can be used in management decisions by the leaders of farms in Ukraine and others countries.

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export potential, agricultural enterprises, the factors of influence, the integration processes.


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