

Published: Nov 13, 2020

  Оlena Busol


The article is devoted to the issues of international cooperation of the bodies regarding asset recovery and management with a purpose of combating transnational crime. It emphasizes the main provisions of international treaties on combating crime and provides an analysis of foreign legislation in the given sphere. The subject of the study is international legal regulation and problems of corrupt assets recovery, which required the application of interdisciplinary scientific approach in considering its economic, political, philosophical, historical and legal aspects. The purpose of the article is to highlight the main issues that arise when the states try to recover corrupt assets, as well as to provide national governments with appropriate recommendations, taking into account international instruments and best practices. The article considers world practice of conducting criminal proceedings and execution of court decisions. It covers the features and problems of specialized government bodies as for the recovery of the assets. The article is based on the application of a set of the following methodologies: philosophical, dialectical and synergetic. The study used the method of systematic analysis, which is the most commonly applied in criminological research to combat corruption. To achieve these purposes, the following research methods are used: analysis of theoretical sources and scientific literature; abstract-logical method in the process of theoretical generalizations and formation of conclusions; prognostic methods. The author applies the comparative method (i.e. the method of comparative jurisprudence) when comparing international documents with the legal norms of other states. Results. Foreign experience shows that development of a modern and effective system of combating organized corruption in any country is possible subject to application of legal norms that meet international standards, as well as the integrated use of advanced computer information technology. The author emphasize the need for OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) member states to develop adequate regulations that will allow immediate disclosure and exchange of information on the freeze of assets with foreign jurisdiction, in order to ensure the effectiveness of the asset recovery procedure. Conclusions. It is recommended to adopt laws at the national level or to introduce a regulation in the criminal law of the state on illicit enrichment; to develop comprehensive national strategy; as well as to finance measures to recover corrupt assets within the framework of anti-corruption programs at the state level. It emphasizes the need to have a united state register of assets seized in criminal proceedings. In order to recover assets from abroad, states need to have political will and to use the latest technologies.

How to Cite

BusolО. (2020). INTERNATIONAL LEGAL REGULATIONS AND ISSUES OF CORRUPT ASSETS RECOVERY. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 6(4), 35-45.
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corrupt assets, Asset Recovery Offices (ARO), transnational crime, international agreements


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