

Published: Nov 13, 2020

  Volodymyr Velychko

  Evgeniy Grytskov

  Dmytriy Prunenko


The relevance of the process of implementation of economic and mathematical model of investment attractiveness of the construction enterprise in the stakeholder relation system is proved. The results of the analysis of the theoretical provisions for determining investment attractiveness and stakeholders of construction enterprises are presented. An economic and mathematical model for the formation of stakeholder groups in the system of relations with construction enterprises is proposed. A system of information and analytical support for an integrated assessment of the level of stakeholder relations and investment attractiveness of construction enterprises has been formed, which creates the basis for economic and mathematical modeling. The directions, methods, and models for assessing investment attractiveness and the level of stakeholder relations of construction enterprises are proposed. The practical aspects of their implementation are determined. The results of economic and mathematical modeling of the investment attractiveness of construction enterprises in the system of stakeholder relations are presented. The subject of the research is the directions of formation and realization of economic and mathematical modeling of investment attractiveness of enterprises in the system of stakeholder relations. The formation of the research methodology is carried out on the basis of the theoretical and methodological platform for determining the investment attractiveness of enterprises and stakeholders that interact in the relevant field. In addition, a set of methods is used to conduct the study: analytical (to determine indicators of investment attractiveness); expert assessments (to determine the index of stakeholder relations); method of analysis of hierarchies (to assess the importance of the impact of stakeholders (customers of construction products; workers of construction enterprises; top management; managers of various levels of construction enterprises; owners of construction enterprises; government bodies influencing the formation and level of interaction of stakeholders with construction enterprises; public organizations influencing activities in construction and architecture; corporate governance bodies of construction enterprises; the bodies of internal and external control interacting in the construction industry; the competitors of construction enterprises; the suppliers of inventories interacting with construction enterprises; stakeholders interacting in the formation and use of spatial, urban, environmental information and creating investment attractiveness of construction enterprises; the design organizations; other stakeholders interacting with construction enterprises) at the level of stakeholders from noses of enterprises); economic and mathematical modeling (to establish causal links between the level of stakeholder relations and the index of investment attractiveness of enterprises); generalization and systematization (to obtain and interpret research results). The aim of the study is to establish causal relationships between the factors that shape the level of stakeholder relations and investment attractiveness of construction companies based on economic and mathematical tools. The result of the study is the formation of a quantitative basis for making sound management decisions in the system of stakeholder relations of construction companies to increase their investment attractiveness.

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investment attractiveness, level of stakeholder relations, construction enterprises, economic and mathematical modeling, adequacy criteria, model


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