

Published: Jul 29, 2016

  Lilia Martynova


The purpose of article is determination of economic content of risks, their classification and methods of management, research of influence of major factors of risk on results of economic activity of the agro-industrial complex enterprises on possible degree of their controllability, and also justification of the choice of the most optimum methods of management of economic risks at the enterprises of agrarian sector of economy. Methodology. Data for research have been taken from scientific publications and legislative base. Methods of general scientific knowledge, and also the structural analysis and content analysis are used. Results. On the basis of synthesis of approaches to definition of category of «economic risk» by the author own definition of this category is offered, the scheme of distribution of risk factors of economic activity of the enterprises of agro-industrial complex depending on main types of business processes on possible degree of their controllability is offered, and also the author offers the direction of classification of methods of management of risks from positions of their distribution or transfer, besides practical aspects of the choice of methods of economic risks management at the enterprises of agrarian sector of economy are considered. Practical implication. Streamlining of subject domain of risk management of economic activity and the offered structurization of risk factors create prerequisites for increase of system effectiveness of management at the enterprise due to reduction of negative influence of risk factors, increase of level of validity of administrative decisions in the short-term and long-term periods. Value/originality. On the basis of the conducted research it is proved that a perspective form of diversification of risks in the sphere of agro-industrial complex is creation of regional clusters.

How to Cite

Martynova, L. (2016). RISK: ECONOMIC CONTENTS, FACTORS AND METHODS OF MANAGEMENT. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 2(2), 96-104. https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2016-2-2-96-104
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risk of economical activity, risk factors, classification of risk, business process, management of risks, methods of management risks, classification of methods of management risks, diversification, hedging, futures, option, limiting, insurance, cluster.


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