

Published: Dec 2, 2020

  Volodymyr Velychko

  Dmytro Prunenko

  Evgeniy Grytskov


It is proved that at the present stage of economic transformation, the problem of ensuring the effectiveness of interaction with stakeholders, which affect all areas of business entities is exacerbated. The cooperation of stakeholders to ensure corporate social responsibility at construction enterprises is of particular importance and requires solving the problems of the formation and implementation of corporate social responsibility in the system of interaction between stakeholders of construction enterprises. As a result of the analysis of existing scientific and methodological works, the need for the formation and implementation of corporate social responsibility in construction enterprises is determined, considering the peculiarities of interaction with stakeholders. The aim of the study is the formation of measures for the creation and implementation of corporate social responsibility at construction enterprises, considering the areas of interaction with stakeholders. The article solves the tasks of identifying stakeholders interacting with construction enterprises, substantiating theoretical approaches to determining corporate social responsibility of construction enterprises, assessing the level of influence of corporate social responsibility on the functioning of construction enterprises, taking into account the peculiarities of interaction with stakeholders . The indicators that form corporate social responsibility are identified, and the corresponding integral indicator is evaluated, which allows us to create a quantitative basis for making informed management decisions. The necessity of developing measures to increase the efficiency of the formation and use of corporate social responsibility at construction enterprises is established. The subject of the study is corporate social responsibility in the system of stakeholder relations of construction companies. The formation of the research methodology is based on the definition of stakeholders and corporate social responsibility, the use of classification (to form and determine stakeholder factors affecting corporate social responsibility of construction companies), analytical and expert evaluation method (to assess the general criterion of stakeholders' impact on corporate social responsibility construction companies). The purpose of the study is to form a quantitative basis for making sound management decisions on the formation and use of corporate social responsibility in the system of stakeholder relations of construction companies. The result of the study is to determine the directions and features of increasing the effectiveness of the formation and use of corporate social responsibility in construction companies in the system of stakeholder relations, which are developed based on the results of assessing the generalized criterion of stakeholder interaction on corporate social responsibility.

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stakeholders, corporate social responsibility, construction enterprises, corporate relations


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