

Published: Dec 2, 2020

  Oleh Poshedin

  Tetiana Palamarchuk

  Larysa Gaievska


The publication of the 2017 Report on implementation of the Association Agreement introduced the quantitative approach in evaluation of the eurointegration progress of Ukraine. The publication of the report launched a discussion between experts and government representatives on the possibility and relevancy of quantitative evaluation of Association Agreement in percent. The government approach to evaluate the progress was criticized by the experts and, according to them, the genuine success of Ukraine in the implementation of the Association Agreement is far below the government report meanings. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine expressed doubts on relevancy of percentage evaluation of the eurointegration success. He claimed that it was crucial to review the results of important projects, such as visa-free regime, rather than focus on percent and implemented directives. The authors of the article attempt to answer the following questions. Is it possible to measure the eurointegration achievements of Ukraine in quantitative measurements and is it relevant to carry out such calculations? It is clear that European integration of Ukraine affects all spheres of the public life. As it is impossible to observe all spheres, the research focuses on three following spheres: fulfilment of the obligations according to the Association Agreement with the EU; trade with the EU; fight against corruption. For the first time in Ukraine, European integration has become a transparent, measurable and accountable state policy. Although considerable amount of research has been devoted to the quantitative measurements of the progress on implementation of the Association Agreement between EU and Ukraine and it give an opportunity to monitor both the overall progress and the progress in particular spheres. However, these three components – the Association Agreement, the Copenhagen Criteria and the Sustainable Development Goals – are a reliable guide to the successful long-term development of Ukraine, ensuring prosperity of all citizens. Of course, not all results are positive, and progress often means even more challenges ahead. Insufficient institutional capacity of the authorities hinders the realization of the potential of the European integration course in full volume, correctly determine the sequence of steps, and calculate ways to achieve goals, look for the necessary solutions for stakeholders to take full advantage of all the benefits. A general conclusion is made concerning the evaluation of the European integration achievements of Ukraine and not only in spheres that have been observed in this article. These indicators point to important issues and help to understand the overall progress. The findings are of direct practical relevance because such approach is important in case of information campaign aimed at informing people on aspects of European integration of Ukraine. This paper has clearly shown that the key indicator in measuring the results of the European integration of Ukraine is the level of life of Ukrainian citizens. The European reforms must bring tangible benefits. Victorious statements on Association will not convince Ukrainian society in the correctness of the European integration direction.

How to Cite

Poshedin, O., Palamarchuk, T., & Gaievska, L. (2020). MILESTONES VS. PERCENTS: HOW DO WE REALLY MEASURE UKRAINE’S EUROPEAN INTEGRATION PROGRESS?. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 6(5), 73-82.
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Ukraine, the European Union, European integration


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