The purpose of the paper is to determine the relationship between different types of tourism safety and security, and components of the tourism entrepreneurship potential, to conduct a quantitative analysis of these indicators in the regions of Ukraine and to identify areas for ensuring the safety and security of the tourism entrepreneurship potential realization. Methodology. Analysis of tourism safety and security in Ukraine is based on the assessment of security potential indicator and the security threats indicator for 25 regions. These indicators take into account the following types of safety and security: security of tourist services, safety of tourist facilities and equipment, social security, political security, financial security, medical safety, information security, and ecological security. The impact of tourism safety and security on the tourism entrepreneurship potential realization is determined on the basis of correlation and regression analysis, where the indicator of the tourism entrepreneurship potential realization is the volume of domestic and inbound tourist flows in the region. The empirical basis of the study is the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine for 2019. The reliability of the regression model was tested on the basis of the approximation coefficient and Fisher's F-test. Results of the correlation analysis indicate a significant relationship between ensuring the safety and security of tourism in the region and the volume of domestic and inbound tourist flows. As a result of regression analysis, a model of a high level of reliability was obtained, which indicates how the volume of domestic and inbound tourist flows to the region increases with increasing the level of tourist safety and security by unit. Practical implications. Since the process of safety and security ensuring for the tourism entrepreneurship potential realization cannot be implemented exclusively at the regional level, it is justified the feasibility of a targeted public policy in eight areas. Value/originality. The identified relationship between the types of safety and security of tourism and components of the tourism entrepreneurship potential, as well as establishing the level of impact of safety and security of tourism on the tourism entrepreneurship potential realization in the region provide for a better understanding of ways for efficient governance in this area.
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entrepreneurship potential, guarantee of tourism security, realization of potential, safety and security of tourism, types of safety and security
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