

Published: Dec 2, 2020

  Yevheniia Polishchuk

  Alla Ivashchenko

  Anna Kornyliuk


SMART specialization is a basic approach to the development of regional innovation policy. It involves identifying priority sectors of the local economy with the involvement of key stakeholders. Currently, statistics on the development of regions are presented in terms of large business, small and medium. In this context, the generally accepted methodology from the Joint Research Center of the European Commission has limited application. Because it does not take into account the performance of microbusiness (individual entrepreneurs). For countries with economies in transition, this is critical, as they reach 80% of the business structure. Therefore, considering their voice is also necessary. Our approach involves a combination of quantitative (assessment of innovation and economic potential of the region) and qualitative (survey of microbusiness representatives) methods to identify priority areas of SMART specialization. Approbation of the offered method was carried out on the example of the Mykolaiv region which is in the south of Ukraine. The results of the study have shown that the innovation of microenterprises is at a low level. At the same time, they demonstrate a high level of desire to be involved in the process of SMART specialization and innovation of production.

How to Cite

Polishchuk, Y., Ivashchenko, A., & Kornyliuk, A. (2020). REGIONAL SMART SPECIALIZATION: MICROBUSINESS IMPACT. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 6(5), 209-215.
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innovations, regional development, SMART specialization, SMEs, microbusiness


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