

Published: Dec 2, 2020

  Tetiana Stroiko

  Vitaly Burkun

  Andrii Mulenko


The purpose of this work is the appropriate use of technology in the life of every business entity, organization, and financial institution. With the growth of technology, the question of their appropriate use has arisen. The state is the key factor of influence and the main body that regulates the activities of innovation and information. The development of the IT sector is the key to sustainable financial development of the country, which contributes to the inflow of finance to the country. When informatizing society, the main attention is paid to a set of measures aimed at ensuring the full use of reliable, comprehensive and timely knowledge in all human activities. Information technology in the financial sector is a kind of mechanism that provides the whole process of efficient and operational work. After all, the process of economic formation acquires a new meaning. It becomes more productive and more coordinated. In modern conditions, information technologies that provide optimization of activities, integration and communication with the external environment are becoming more widespread and used in today's dynamic market. Over the past 3 years, the IT sector has become one of the important sectors for the export of services in Ukraine. In 2019, it brought in more than 5 billion USD in exports per year. An increase in the share of exports leads to an increase in the share of GDP, so the development of the IT sector should be a priority for sustainable financial development of the country. Namely, facilitating means the introduction of small and medium-sized IT enterprises. Creating competitive software for finance and accounting, namely EPR and CRM systems, facilitates the management of human resources, assets, supplies, and production of the final product. The world market leaders are such representatives as: Oracle, Salesforce, SAP, QuickBooks, 1C etc. Important areas of using IT technologies are also facilitating the exchange of information in the process of working on projects, accelerating document flow, improving planning efficiency, implementation of general business and marketing strategy, finance, HR-strategy, simplification of brand promotion, interaction with target audience , strengthening control over financial costs, etc. In addition, these systems help to set tasks, deadlines, results. The paper covers the assessment of the general state of development of e-commerce in Ukraine. The main criteria for the development of information technology are: information services, computer and telecommunications services. The dynamics of foreign trade in these types is highlighted and the most important consumer countries that use the services of Ukrainian specialists in the labor market are studied.

How to Cite

Stroiko, T., Burkun, V., & Mulenko, A. (2020). DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE IN UKRAINE AND IN THE WORLD. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 6(5), 216-220.
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information technology, electronic commerce, CRM system, EPR system, IT sector


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