

Published: Jan 22, 2021

  Sergey Bardash

  Tatiana Osadcha


Urgency of the research is due to the fact that social control is an integral and comprehensive component of any society. The development of theoretical, methodological and practical foundations of social control and the application of its cognitive tools in the transformation of consciousness and participation in the development of a democratic society on the basis of sustainability is of paramount importance. The research activity of scientists in studying philosophical, social, legal, economic, educational and other aspects of control as a complex polymorphic phenomenon is due to the fact that social relations are certainly an important component of the economy at all levels. However, the social mechanism for regulating economic systems at various levels remains ineffective. The purpose and the objective of the research are to prove the importance of social control in the sphere of economic management and to determine its theoretical foundations. The research methodology consists in the dialectical method of understanding the essence of social control and assessing its importance in the sphere of economic management; general scientific methods of analysis, abstraction, induction and deduction, synthesis and generalization are used to substantiate the basic theoretical provisions, the formation of the conceptual framework of social control in the sphere of economic management, the formulation of conclusions. The most significant scientific results are as follows: proving the importance of public control in the sphere of economic management, recognizing it as an indispensable element of the social mechanism for the development of economic systems at all levels of the economy; defining its theoretical foundations: the scope of application, object, matter, subject, forms and results. The practical significance of the research is to determine the vector of control development in the sphere of economic management – compliance with standards that affect the economic interest and determine economic behaviour. Value/originality. The results obtained can be considered as forming the concept of behavioural control in the sphere of economic management and create new grounds for developing the theory and practice of social audit as well as reviewing the paradigm of economic management control.

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social control in the sphere of economic management, social audit, social and economic relations, economic interest, economic behaviour


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