

Published: Jan 22, 2021

  Oleh Bilous

  Pavlo Liutikov


The purpose of the paper is to define the concept and essence of the interpretation of the rules of law based on the generalized analysis of scientific, journalistic, and regulatory sources. Results. It is established that the interpretation of the rules of law is an intellectual and volitional activity of an interpreter, which is carried out under the principles and by means of interpretations and aimed at clarifying and/or specifying the content of the rules of law to understand and apply them in practice correctly and uniformly. Value/originality. It may be enshrined in special acts of interpretation, scientific and practical commentary on legislation, doctrinal sources and other external forms of interpretation.

How to Cite

Bilous, O., & Liutikov, P. (2021). THE CONCEPTS AND THE ESSENCE OF INTERPRETATION OF LAW. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 7(1), 139-144.
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interpretation, law, rule of law, essence, object, purpose


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