

Published: Nov 30, 2021

  Anton Sorochenko


The research paper looks into the issues of PPP sport projects implementation, as well as the development of methods to solve the problems involved. The concept of "infrastructure development contract" is substantiated. The international experience of implementing public-private partnership projects in the field of sports has been analyzed. The role of effective regulatory controls of public-private partnerships, especially at the level of municipalities is considered. The legal status of World Sport Alliance (WSA) has been.looked into. The author insists that attraction of such sport organizations in implementation of PPP projects will allow for responsibilities and risk allocation in the most economically effective way amont the partners. The author concludes that definition of "infrastructural development contract" should be implemented into Ukrainian legislation. The contract life-cycle model is described as motivating the contractor for quality construction and service of the facility.

How to Cite

Sorochenko, A. (2021). INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE OF IMPLEMENTATION OF PPP SPORTS PROJECTS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 62-71. Retrieved from
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public-private partnership, sport, institutional / corporative form, contract, concessions

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