

Published: Dec 1, 2021

  Anton Sorochenko


This article is devoted to the research of PPP projects’ models management in Ukraine and worldwide, as well as development of ways of solving legislative problems arising in such a management. The necessity of the development and adoption of a codified normative legal act - the Code of Relations in the sphere of PPP and the approximate structure of such a Code - is substantiated. The international practice of implementing PPP projects is analyzed and the necessity of implementation of the best world practice in this area is proved, in particular in such countries as Mexico, Canada, Austria, Great Britain, Australia, Belgium and others. The necessity of consolidating in the legislation of Ukraine a unified procedure for the selection of a private partner irrespective of the direction of the PPP (public procurement, concessions, production-sharing agreements, rent of state / communal property, etc.) is substantiated.

How to Cite

Sorochenko, A. (2021). MODELS OF PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT: WORLD EXPERIENCE. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 12-23. Retrieved from
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public-private partnership (PPP), strategic projects, model, management

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