

Published: Dec 2, 2021

  T.A. Nuzhdin


In this article, the author investigates the phenomenon of ephemeral legal entities formed at the intermediate stages of a combined reorganization. It is concluded that these companies are quasi-legal entities, since though having the formal characteristics of a legal entity they are not such, by virtue of the purpose of their creation, the content of actions and the place in the civil-legal turnover. The author also comes to the conclusion that these organizations should not have their own governing bodies due to the fact that the entire cycle of its activities is mediated by the Decision of the meeting of the initially reorganized legal entity whose participants determine the segment of management and activity of ephemeral companies.

How to Cite

Nuzhdin, T. (2021). ON THE EPHEMERAL LEGAL ENTITIES UNDER RUSSIAN LAW (ON THE EXAMPLE OF COMPANIES FORMED IN THE PROCESS OF COMBINED REORGANIZATION). Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 4-13. Retrieved from http://baltijapublishing.lv/index.php/bjlss/article/view/1346
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legal entities, corporations, ephemeral legal entities, combined reorganization, mixed reorganization, comprehensive reorganization

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