

Published: Dec 2, 2021

  Denis Iroshnikov


Today, traditionally, the category “national security” is investigated both in general and in relation to its various types, such as state, public, environmental, information, etc. The author deviates from the traditional approach and proposes to consider the category “security” as a legal category. The category “security” appears to be studied in the context of the legal regulation mechanism. The author analyzes the role and place of security in legal matter. The research was carried out with financial support from Russian Foundation of Fundamental Research within the frameworks of the research project № 17-03-00767 “Safety as legal category”.

How to Cite

Iroshnikov, D. (2021). SECURITY AS A LEGAL CATEGORY: TO THE FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 85-95. Retrieved from
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security; right; legal regulation; principles of law; functions of law; a crime

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