

Published: Dec 3, 2021

  Denis Iroshnikov


In the article the author examines definitions of the concept «state security» as given in the Russian legal doctrine in the context of the development of the theory of state security. The article shows interrelation between state security and national security. The author argues that state security is one of the types of national security. Great attention in the article is paid to the correlation of the concept «state security» with related categories such as security of a state, public safety, military security. On the basis of the analysis of definitions adopted in legal science the author formulates the notion of state securityin a broader and in a more narrow way. The author also considers the importance of further theoretical and legal research of the category «state security».

How to Cite

Iroshnikov, D. (2021). THE CONCEPT OF «STATE SECURITY» IN THE MODERN RUSSIAN LEGAL DOCTRINE. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 13-25. Retrieved from
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state security, national security, public safety, military security, sovereignity, territorial integrity

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