

Published: Dec 3, 2021

  Alexander Baykov

  Diana Platonova


The article considers the concepts of «security of civil rights» and «protection of civil rights», their interrelations and their correlation with civil responsibility, civil sanctions, re-establishment of civil rights, ensuring subjective civil rights, guarantees of implementation of subjective civil rights. The analysis of the civil legislation of Latvia shows that one of the tendencies of its development is the invariable growth of guarantees of subjective civil rights to natural and legal entities in the context of their protection and advocacy. In this paper, the authors discussed the debatable questions of the structure of subjective civil law and defined the forms of protection of civil rights: jurisdictional and non jurisdictional and respectively, the methods of protection realized in any of the above named forms. In addition to that the authors analyzed the specific methods of protection which choice is defined by the character of law violation. Special attention was paid to the ways of protection of the subjective civil rights, realized in non jurisdictional form: self-defense; right for deduction; right for arrest upon the security; acknowledgement of subjective civil law; restoration of the property status which existed before the commission of a civil infraction and in principle can be carried out in a jurisdictional form as well; suppression of actions violating the right or creating threat of its violation; recognition of the debatable transaction as a void one, and the application of consequences of its invalidity which is a particular case of restoration of the property status existing before such infraction; the application of consequences of invalidity of the void transaction which is, from the point of view of legal essence a single one, with the preceding way of protection and in this regard is another case of restoration of the property status existing previously to the infraction; judgment for specific performance of an obligation; recovery of losses; recovery of a forfeiture, compensation for moral injury.

How to Cite

Baykov, A., & Platonova, D. (2021). CIVIL LAW METHODS OF BUSINESSPERSONS’ RIGHTS PROTECTION: EXPERIENCE OF INTEGRATED RESEARCH. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 27-43. Retrieved from
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right for advocacy, protection of civil rights, defense of civil rights, guarantees of civil rights, civil responsibility, civil sanctions, forms of protection of civil rights, ways of civil rights protection, jurisdictional form of protection of civil rights, not jurisdictional form of protection of civil rights, self-help

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