

Published: Dec 3, 2021

  Georgios Prodromou


The article considers the need for modernization of the existing norms of international outer space law due to commercialization and privatization of space activity that started to develop since 1980s. In this regard the author analyses various doctrinal opinions. According to the organizational and legal plan, the Legal Subcommittee of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space carried out the analysis of the existing space legislation of various countries in the field of space activity, and developed the standard scheme for future national standards and legal regulation of the space activities of new member countries, including measures of stimulation of participation of the private sector in space activities. The private international outer space law can be defined as a set of the material and conflict norms regulating the property and personal non-property relations connected with a space activity complicated by «a foreign element». The author also discussed in greater detail the subject and method of regulation of private international outer space law.

How to Cite

Prodromou, G. (2021). CONCEPT, ESSENCE AND MAIN FEATURES OF PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL OUTER SPACE LAW. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 76-82. Retrieved from
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international outer space law, private international outer space law, commercial space activities

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