

Published: Dec 3, 2021

  Georgios Prodromou


In the article the existing and potential legal sources of the private international outer space law both on international, and on national levels are analyzed. There is emphasized that adoption of these international legal acts can be considered as important incentive for further formation of the private international outer space law. Then the author considers a relevant national legislation (for example, China and France), first of all, as the most applicable source of the private international outer space law at the present stage. In addition, the bills and the new laws of those states are examined where there has not been or or was absent until recently the necessary legal base (e.g., Germany).

How to Cite

Prodromou, G. (2021). NATIONAL LEGISLATION REGULATING SPACE ACTIVITY. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 59-65. Retrieved from
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international outer space law, private international outer space law, commercial space activities, national legislation

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