

Published: Dec 3, 2021

  Jarosław Szczechowicz


The paper constitutes an elaboration upon the system of discretionary power of the judge in evidentiary proceedings. This issue remains a stream of systematic and in-depth research and considerations related to the transformation of polish civil procedure. Upon the amendment to provisions of procedural law in 2012, a rigorous preclusion system, aimed at concentration of evidence, was replaced by another – the system of discretionary power of the judge.

How to Cite

Szczechowicz, J. (2021). DISCRETIONARY POWER OF THE JUDGE IN CIVIL PROCEEDINGS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 10-17. Retrieved from http://baltijapublishing.lv/index.php/bjlss/article/view/1459
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principle of evidence preclusion, principle of discretionary power of the judge, delayed evidence and claims, disregarding delayed evidence or claims, admission of the evidence ex officio

1. Act of November 17, 1964, The Code of Civil Procedure, Dz. U. No.43, item 296, as amended; Act of September 16, 2011 on the amendment of Act – Code of Civil Procedure, Dz.U. 2011, No. 233 item.1381;
2. Act of April 23, 1964, The Civil Code, Dz. U. No.16, item 93 as amended;
3. Act of May 24, 2000 on the amendment of the Act – Code of Civil Procedure, Registered Pledges and Register of Pledges Act, Court Costs in Civil Matters Act, and Court Bailiffs and Execution Act Dz. U. 2000, No. 48, item 554 as amended;
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7. Decision of the Supreme Court of January 14, 1972, III CRN 448/71, OSPiKA 1972, item 144;
8. Decision of the Supreme Court of April 26, 2007, III Cz 22/07, Lex no. 319631;
9. Decision of the Supreme Court of August 9, 1974, II CZ 149/74, OSPiKA 1975, No.12, item 30;
10. Decision of the Supreme Court of November 23, 2005, II CZ 103/05, unpublished;
11. Decision of the Supreme Court of December 1, 2011, I CZ 130/11, Lex no. 1133792;
12. Decision of the Supreme Court of May 30, 2007, II CSK 167/07, unpublished;
13. Decision of the Supreme Court of December 3, 2003, I CZ 139/03, unpublished;
14. Decision of the Supreme Court of July 23, 2002, II CZ 72/02, unpublished;
15. Decision of the Supreme Court of March 13, 2000, IV CKN 841/00, unpublished;
16. Decision of the Supreme Court of December 15, 2010, II CZ 154/10, unpublished;
17. Decision of the Supreme Court of April 17, 2008, I CZ 19/08, unpublished;
18. Decision of the Supreme Court of June 13, 2002, V CZ 53/02, unpublished;
19. Decision of the Supreme Court of October 27, 2009, II UZ 35/09, Lex no.564801;
20. Decision of the Supreme Court of May 30, 2007, II CSK 167/07, Lex no. 346193;
21. Decision of the Supreme Court of April 17, 2008, I CZ 19/08, unpublished;
22. Decision of the Supreme Court of July 21, 2011, V CZ 52/11, unpublished;
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24. Resolution of the Supreme Court of seven of May 19, 2000, III CZP 4/00, OSNC 2000, Nr.11.;
25. Judgment of the Supreme Court of December 20, 2005, III CK 121/05, unpublished.