

Published: Dec 3, 2021

  Daiga Pirogova


The author presents her research findings on order procedures as the way of simplification and modernisation of civil procedure in the EU. The publication offers a short survey on the need to create uniform European level procedures and how the implementation of such procedures ensures the development of the common European market and the creation of the common space of security, freedom and justice. The three already implemented Regulations for order procedures (European enforcement order, European payment procedure, small claims) and one planned Regulation (European preservation order) have been analysed during the research. Also during the research it was stated that, at the moment, the order procedures are one of the most effective ways to implement uniform procedural rules of civil procedure in the EU.

How to Cite

Pirogova, D. (2021). ORDER PROCEDURES – THE WAY OF THE MODERNISATION OF CIVIL PROCEDURE IN THE EU. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 29-38. Retrieved from http://baltijapublishing.lv/index.php/bjlss/article/view/1470
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cross–border civil procedure, cros–border enforcement, European Enforcement order, European order for payment procedure, small claims, European preservation order

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