

Published: Dec 3, 2021

  Alexander Baikov


The term «corporate legal relationship» is mostly used for relationship emerging between companies, corporations and their partners. Of course, the semantic meaning of this term is broader. The corporate legal relationship essential manifestations are diverse. First of all, they are expressed in peculiarities of regulating corporate property relationship. Entering corporate legal relationship each proprietor consciously limits his power over the definite property and these limitations have a counter nature. Along with «traditional» relation types (coordination and subordination), in general, theory organisations single out the third type – re-ordination (the opposite ordering), which is characteristic for corporate legal relationship. Besides, initially corporate legal relationship, containing the element of confidentiality, in its essence acts as complex, in which co-trover is combined with partnership. The diversity of forms for subjects to unify their property and business conditions the emergence of various organisational-legal forms of corporate relationship and, correspondingly, legal relationship. Organisational form of corporate relationship reflects the peculiarities of distribution of the trover, possession and usage amount considering joint property between the participants and represents the volitional model of their behaviour, ensured by the mechanism of its realisation. Depending on the trover amount, we can mention at least four such organisational forms: (1) corporate relationship, in which the single common property of participants does not arise; (2) corporate relationship can be expressed as the corporate property relationship with the common shared property being the simplest form. On the account of the ownership deposits of the participants the isolated unified property is created; (3) partnership (ст.ст. 2241 – 2280 ГЗ); (4) corporate relationship, connected not only with the creation of common property and unification of participants’ business, but also with the emergence of the special form of corporate unity – corporation. The place of corporate legal relationship is determined by the place of corporate relationship as one of the elements of the civil law object. Corporate legal relationship cannot be placed neither alongside with the right in rem nor with the liability law, at least because of participants (shareholders) being vested with corporate rights – the right to participate in the meeting, to receive liquidation quota, to receive information on the society activities, etc.

How to Cite

Baikov, A. (2021). THE CONCEPT, THE LEGAL NATURE AND FEATURES OF CORPORATE LEGAL RELATIONS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 45-66. Retrieved from
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corporation, corporate property, corporate relationship, corporate legal relationship, re-ordination, organisational-legal form of corporate relationship, corporate rights

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