

Published: Apr 22, 2022

  Аlehander Baikov


The logic of law is a part of the philosophy of law (general theory of law), which studies law as a logical phenomenon, subordinate in its existence and development to the laws of formal logic. The use of these laws allows: (1) to consider any legal system as a single, consistent and formalized; (2) understand the logic of legal development and conduct a logical-semantic and logical-structural analysis of legal norms and law enforcement acts; (3) to find out the role and place of forms of thinking (concepts, judgments, inferences) in the field of law.
Law is simultaneously inherent in two logics: (1) formal logic and (2) special, reflecting the laws of its existence and functioning, logic – the logic of law.
The logical scheme of the formation of law should be applicable to all historical situations without exception.
The logical is based on the historical, the logical not only interacts with the historical, but also penetrates into it. The most abstract logical formula of law is at the same time historical, since it is the result of comparison, analysis and generalization of certain historical and legal experience.
Positive law is characterized by such a specific feature aimed at real reality as a duty, which predetermines the objective need for the formation of legal means that ensure the practical implementation of both power and people's activities. The due characteristic of law, first of all, concerns, first of all, the dogma of law, although it is not limited to it and captures other blocks of the system of legal means and, secondly, is expressed in the realization of the purpose of law (to introduce certainty into the emerging actual social relations, to give them strength, stability, bring reliability to the guarantees and benefits provided by the right to people). In the interconnection between existence and obligation, the special nature of law, its exceptional originality, is manifested. In this case, the obligation itself acquires special properties.
The existence of positive law is inextricably linked with its external forms (written normative legal acts), in which, first of all, what is due in law is manifested, its provision with a system of legal means that give it certainty of content, the reliability of the guarantees and advantages inherent in law provided to people.
The article reveals the understanding of ontology, axiology, epistemology and methodology in philosophy. The significant variability of the content of the general theory of law as a science is stated.
The logical scheme of the formation of law should be applicable to all historical situations without exception. The logical is based on the historical, while the historical not only interacts with the logical, but also penetrates into it. It is precisely because of its synthesized nature that the logical penetrates into the essence of legal specificities, reveals their internal historical connections and interactions. Thus, the logical aspect performs a methodological function in the study of the history of law, its diversity in certain periods of different countries.
Since the legislator’s thought is expressed not only in the form of grammatical sentences, but also in the logical organization of the content of legal norms, logical interpretation allows one to take another step in revealing the content of the latter.

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formal logic, logic of law, historical context, legal system, logical-semantic analysis, logical-structural analysis of legal norms

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