

Published: Apr 22, 2022


Attribution is considered as an independent and subordinate functional system. In the sense of an independent system, it is an implicit sequence of judgments that can be characterized in terms of predicativity of internal speech. The structure of an attributive act is in a certain sense similar to the structure of a speech utterance, which has a fundamental similarity with the structure of an action, and, consequently, indicates the unity of the indicative (fixing informative points and making a decision about their systemic meaning), executive (comparing perceptual and subjectively reference) and control components (comparing an attributive action with the content of the situation as a whole). Attribution is a process that goes back to the vital, personal and activity functions of an individual in terms of providing contextual behavior based on an understanding of subject-subject and subject-object relations.

How to Cite

Velitchenko, L., & Bolun, X. (2022). SYSTEM ASPECTS OF ATTRIBUTION. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 38-47.
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consciousness, personality, attribution, causal attribution, attribution style, attribution structure

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