

Published: Apr 22, 2022


Based on the analysis and generalization of scholars’ scientific standpoints and the ECHR caselaw, the author justifies the peculiarities of legal certainty in criminal proceedings. The article proves that in criminal proceedings, legal certainty implies predictability and clarity of its procedure and consequences as well as the legal status of its participants and other persons whose rights and legitimate interests are affected. Taking into account the principle of legal certainty, the general requirements to be met in criminal proceedings include the compliance of criminal procedural legislation with the requirements of legal methods; absence of conflicts; ensuring legal unambiguity and confidence in the legal consequences of the proceedings; finality of the decision of the case. Certainty is evident at all stages of the criminal procedural activity (pre-trial investigation, trial, appeal and review of sentences, execution of court decisions), with the special formal requirements made for each of them. Prohibition of double jeopardy (non bis in idem) is an important procedural rule, which is directly related to the principle of legal certainty.

How to Cite

Dmytriieva, M. (2022). THE PECULIARITIES OF LEGAL CERTAINTY IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS: THEORETICAL AND LEGAL ASPECTS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 59-67.
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Criminal proceedings, human rights, legal certainty, legal uncertainty, law enforcement, case law, ECHR judgements, court decisions

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