The article considers the processes of formation of maternal attitude in disorders of child development, as a variant of personality behavior in a stressful situation. The peculiarities and components of the mother’s psycho-trauma, her post-traumatic behavior at birth and upbringing of children with mental and physical disabilities are studied. The analysis of the scientific literature and the diagnosis of maternal attitude allowed to identify system-forming symptom complexes (vitality, subjective well-being, emotional intelligence), the components of which are mechanisms for shaping the style of maternal attitude to children with special needs. The identified differences in the characteristics of the mother’s attitude to a healthy child and a child with special needs will help increase the effectiveness of the individual approach to psychocorrection and optimize maternal-child interaction in a family raising a child with special needs.
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style of maternal attitude, child with special needs, deviations, optimization of maternal-child relationships, maternal behavior, criteria and features of style
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