

Published: Apr 22, 2022


World practice shows that mediation is currently one of the most popular forms of dispute resolution. And while the use of mediation is common in Europe, it is new to Ukraine.
The scientific novelty of the obtained results in the study of the mediation institute in Ukraine is to recognition of the main obstacles to the introduction and development of the mediation institute in the intellectual property protection in Ukraine, as well as development of recommendations to eliminate these obstacles and improve existing legislation.
In our reality of a heavy workload of courts, unfortunately, the practice shows a formal way of resolving disputes in the intellectual property.
In view of this, the creation and development of mediation in the intellectual property would increase the effectiveness of dispute resolution in this area, improve legal mechanisms to ensure the right to protection of their rights and legitimate interests and bringing current Ukrainian legislation in line with international norms.

How to Cite

Izbash, O. (2022). PROBLEMS OF MEDIATION IN THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY IN UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 78-83.
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dispute resolution, mediator, justice of Ukraine, protection of rights, public trust, good faith of the parties

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