

Published: Apr 22, 2022


The article highlights some issues of opportunities to use European experience in Ukraine in the field of pension reform. The author reviews the models of pension reform in the leading European countries – Greece, Germany, Poland, Portugal, the Czech Republic and others. The article used general theoretical and special legal research methods – analysis, synthesis, comparative law method, etc. On the basis of the analysis of models and directions of reforming the pension system, the peculiarities of pension reforms in European countries are summarized. It was determined that the key to successful pension reform in European countries was that it met such features as consistency and gradual changes in age, insurance period, contributions, as most European countries have introduced such changes for several years, defined differentiated approaches for persons who have reached a certain age at the time of the reform. Based on the analysis, the author substantiates the possibility of using in Ukraine the experience of some European countries in the field.

How to Cite

Ishchuk, A. (2022). REFORMING THE PENSION SYSTEM: A EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE FOR UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 84-90.
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pension provision, pension legislation, reform, model, European experience

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