

Published: Apr 22, 2022


The article is devoted to the processes of forming the worldview of Martin Luther King. The research material is presented in chronological order. It analyzes some aspects of the doctor’s childhood, examines the factors that influenced his personality. The conditions of his formation in the professional sphere are covered. Particular attention is paid to Martin Luther King’s views on the methods of African Americans to fight for their civil rights. The evolution of his views, their systematics and the ultimate goal, which Martin Luther King himself saw, are analyzed. The article examines Dr. King’s relationship with the US government, his views on US foreign and domestic policy at the time. A separate aspect considers the ideas of nonviolence in the context of the struggle, their etymology, specificity, and the effectiveness of its use by Martin Luther King.

How to Cite

Kononchuk, Y. (2022). “VIOLENCE IS NOT A METHOD”: FORMING THE IDEOLOGY AND FEATURES OF MARTIN LUTHER KING’S STRUGGLE FOR THE CIVIL RIGHTS OF AFRICAN AMERICAN. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 99-107. https://doi.org/10.30525/2592-8813-2021-3-11
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Martin Luther King, civil rights, ideology of nonviolence, African Americans

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