

Published: Apr 22, 2022


The paperwork is dedicated to the analysis of legal protection of well-known trademarks which, due to their recognizability and value, are particularly vulnerable to intellectual property infringements, therefore the Paris Convention and TRIPS Agreements have recognized the need for special protection for such trademarks. Such protection presupposes that protection of well-known trademarks may relate to similar goods or goods and services not related to those which trademarks recognized as well-known in case the use of such trademarks for goods and services by other person shall indicate on the connection between goods or services and owner of the well-known trademark, and owner’s interests shall be possibly harmed by such use.
In addition, the special legal protection of well-known trademarks is justified by the need to combat with unfair competition, as well as to protect the interests of consumers who may confuse a newly registered trademark with a well-known one.

How to Cite

Kostenko, K. (2022). LEGAL PROTECTION OF WELL-KNOWN TRADEMARKS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 108-116.
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legal protection, well-known trademark, famous trademark, trademark with reputation

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