

Published: Apr 22, 2022


The article considers methods of preventing and combating domestic and gender-based violence, taking into account the positive European and world experience of overcoming it. The analysis of negative manifestations of domestic violence on the territory of Ukraine is carried out and the measures taken to overcome it within the framework of adoption of new national legislation and its practical implementation are investigated. In order to improve the existing methods of combating domestic and gender-based violence, the authors study the results of measures already implemented in Ukraine, based on which progress and positive results are monitored. In addition, the authors analyze the causes of the negative situation with gender-based violence in Ukraine. The article notes that the creation and implementation of a number of national and international legal acts in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine played a significant role in preventing and combating domestic violence. According to the results of the analysis, the most effective methods of helping victims of domestic violence are holding public events, coordinating the actions of all those interested in combating domestic violence, building a system of shelters and crisis centers.

How to Cite

Lopushynskyi, I., Kovnir, O., & Lomakina, O. (2022). MODERN METHODS FOR PREVENTING AND COMBATING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND GERDER-BASED VIOLENCE IN UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 117-122.
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domestic violence, gender-based violence, methods of preventing and combating domestic violence

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