

Published: Apr 22, 2022


The purpose of the study is a historicо-philosophical conceptualization of the phenomenon of personality in context of Sigmund Freud’s theory of psychosexual development. The methodological basis of the study consists of the following general scientific principles (approaches): principle of objectivity and principle of integrity. Also in this article it was envisaged the used of such general philosophical methods of knowledge: phenomenological method, hermeneutical method and psychoanalytic method. In the course of the study were obtained the following conclusions: firstly, it was determined, that the formation of the personality depends on the gradual following of a number of stages of psychosexual development (oral, anal, phallic, latent and genital), that correspond to certain erogenous zones, which are for the child a source of pleasure. Secondly, it is substantiated, that complexes Oedipus (in boys) and Electra (in girls) form the basis of a culture, that is repelled by social imperatives and implement system of prohibitions (taboos) on incestuous connections. The defining basis of complexes Oedipus and Eleсtra is the erotic sexual attraction, which awakens in the child to one of the parents of the opposite sex. However another representative of one’s own sex, as boy so and girl perceive, as a rival and broadcast in relation to him ambivalent feelings with a hint of hatred, that arise on the basis of jealousy on a subconsciousness or consciousness level. Thirdly, it is noted, that in the Oedipal stage (phallic phase of development) in a child formed the system of ethical values of the “Super-Ego”, which emerges in a result of the internal opposition between guilt complex and Self-ideal, which appears in the process of assimilation of parents attitudes. Fourthly, it is emphasized, that the instance of the “Super-Ego” enshrines on the level of consciousness ethical principles, ideals and taboos, which control the behavior of the personality and block her primitive instincts.

How to Cite

Mazur, M. (2022). HISTORICO-PHILOSOPHICAL CONCEPTUALIZATION OF THE PHENOMENON OF PERSONALITY IN THE CONTEXT OF SIGMUND FREUD’S THEORY OF PSYCHOSEXUAL DEVELOPMENT. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 123-132. https://doi.org/10.30525/2592-8813-2021-3-14
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psychosexual development of personality, sublimation, oral stage, anal stage, phallic stage, latent stage, genital stage, Oedipus complex, Electra complex

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