

Published: Apr 22, 2022


Creative industries are a symbiosis of culture, art and business. Challenges and opportunities for the cultural and creative environment during the transformational changes of society are increasingly stimulating the need to develop human resources as a powerful driver of collaboration: culture – art – creative – business – state – community.
The study, based on theoretical and methodological justification, analyzes the cultural dimension of human resources formation as a determining tool for the development of creative industries and the sustainable development of society as a whole. Thematic studies of human resources are singled out and characterized. The conceptual bases of the formation of competitiveness of cultural managers, which are carried out on the basis of innovations of effective planning, organization, development, and human resources management of creative industries, are analyzed and substantiated. It is proved that one of the important issues of sustainable development of cultural and creative environment is an investment in human value, human potential through cultural self-expression.
Systematization of the analyzed material made it possible to form and justify interesting formats of interaction in the cultural and creative space, implementing a multifunctional aspect, where on the one hand human resources ensure the preservation, development, and enrichment of cultural and creative environment, on the other.
The relevance of the study of the cultural dimension of the role of human resources in the development of creative industries is confirmed by the need for a new format of interaction: culture – creative industries – education – business – state – community, which is the basis for the competitive cultural manager.

How to Cite

Pletsan, K. (2022). CULTURAL DIMENSION OF THE ROLE OF HUMAN RESOURCES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 133-143.
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culture, creative industries, human resources, cultural dimension, competitiveness, cultural manager, sustainable development

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