

Published: Apr 22, 2022


The article raises the issue of training future primary school teachers in institutions of higher pedagogical education and competences that they should have in the process of cultural and leisure activities with junior schoolchildren. The article uses analytical methods due to which different approaches, content and structure of professional competences of future teachers are analyzed in the research of foreign and domestic scientists. The article focuses upon five components of cultural and leisure competence: the motivational and target component is considered to be crucial at the stage of choosing a future profession, mastering the knowledge system and forming a specialist and personality; the cognitive component determines the content of special knowledge, directs it to the acquisition of skills and abilities, promotes the creation of poly-subjective environmental interaction; the communicative component combines the future teacher' conscious understanding of the value of professional communication, theoretical and practical readiness for its qualified implementation; ethical and ideological component represents a system of professional norms and rules of conduct for teachers and is considered to be a psychological and pedagogical tool of teacher influence upon the inner world of a child; personality and activity component is related to reflective attitude and means understanding of their actions, habits, professional activities, behavior, and also includes the activity aspect aimed at the activity of the subject in cognition, work, communication and personal development.

How to Cite

Chuprun, A. (2022). COMPONENTS OF CULTURAL AND LEISURE COMPETENCE OF FUTURE PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 177-182.
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competence, competence approach, cultural and leisure competence, motivational and target competence, cognitive competence, communicative competence, ethical and ideological competence, personality and activity competence, professional training of future teachers

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