

Published: Apr 22, 2022


In the provisions of the scientific article the author considers the concept of psycholinguistic manipulative influence, means and methods of exercising such influence; identifies and analyzes the features of the use of various language tools and constructions to achieve communicative goals; clarifies the psycholinguistic essence of the phenomenon of manipulation. The author considers strategies of psycholinguistic manipulation of texts that carry the risks of indoctrination, active suggestion in various ways of certain ideological views, which through individual psychological effects can undermine local or general social stability. The specifics of psycholinguistic manipulation on the psyche of the individual are analyzed, the main mechanisms of such influence are defined and characterized, the main psychological features on which the manipulation is based are established. The approaches presented in the article allow to identify sources of psycholinguistic manipulation of the addressee's consciousness and to establish psychological factors of the dominant semantics of the text in order to organize measures to preserve and control information and psychological security of the individual.

How to Cite

Shereshkova, I. (2022). PSYCHOLINGUISTIC MANIPULATION OF TEXT MESSAGES. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 183-191.
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linguistic influence, text, tokens, linguistic distortions

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