

Published: Aug 1, 2022


The article covers the accomplished Ukrainian experience in tenure and food security in the state of martial law. It is suggested to distinguish between the mechanisms of providing tenure security in the state of martial law and the individual food security strategy in the same conditions. We emphasize on the division of the citizens’ legal status as follows: those who are in a warfare zone, people who are living out of the military action zone, internally displaced people, the ones that have got temporary protection in EU. The interference of public elements into private regulation system of social relations that is necessary to maintain life-sustaining activity has been revealed. We offer the definition of a vulnerable physical party in the state of martial law as a person who has lost his housing or is in danger to lose it because of warfare as well as the person who meets difficulties in food security. It is emphasized on the following development of tenure and food security in the state of post-martial law.

How to Cite

Avramova, O., & Korniyenko, G. (2022). THE UKRAINIAN EXPERIENCE OF TENURE AND FOOD SECURITY IN THE STATE OF MARTIAL LAW. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 6-14.
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