

Published: Aug 1, 2022


The article is devoted to analysis of cause-and-effect connections between such socially meaningful phenomena as economic nationalism and war strategies. The relevance of the issue precisely in the context of such correlations discovers at the level of regionally significant wars and it could be important for modern countries in possible global confrontation or redistribution of geo-economic influence spheres as well. That is why in the article proposed strategic revision of the economic policy for credit-dependent countries – especially in conditions of permanent military threat – in course to creation more effective economic models with elements of protectionism, implementation of national production sector and development of forceful military-industrial systems. This approach will allow to improve defense capacity of countries, provide reliable rear protection and increase industrial activity, which is extremely important for balanced economic systems as it has been demonstrated by experience of developed countries.

How to Cite

Hlushko, T. (2022). ECONOMIC NATIONALISM AND PHILOSOPHY OF WAR. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 23-29.
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economic nationalism, war, philosophy, economic policy, strategy, strategic thinking

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