

Published: Aug 1, 2022


The text of the scientific article provides a theoretical analysis of historical background and methodological aspects of art education from the 19th century to the events in Ukraine in 2022: copying method of teaching drawing, Philadelphia drawing system, theory of free drawing, geometric and biogenetic method of drawing, model of development of modern art education and methods of cultural conformity in the system of art education. The logical sequence of the implemented methods of fine arts, which reflected the economic and political mood of the country, is determined. One of the main vectors of development of modern art education is identified - the promotion of cultural values and national consciousness of the individual through the world of art. Art education should be based on an understanding of the value of the diversity of any culture, taking into account the principle of cultural conformity. The model of modern art education requires a balanced, thorough, theoretical and methodological principles and analysis of practical experience.

How to Cite

Zhytnik, T. (2022). HISTORICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF ART EDUCATION: A VIEW IN THE SECTION OF EVENTS IN UKRAINE 2022. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 57-64. https://doi.org/10.30525/2592-8813-2022-1-7
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education, art pedagogy, aesthetic education, primary art school

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