In the publication, the role of the design of the educational process in an agrotechnical institution of higher education is actualized. The author describes the theoretical and methodological aspects of developing the structural and functional model of designing the educational process on the example of digital competence of future specialists in electrotechnical engineering. The composed model generalizes theoretical results of designing the educational process in the form of interconnected components: target; methodological; subjective; objective; procedural; diagnostic-comparative. In particular: the target component consists in designing digital competence of future specialists of electrotechnical profile; the methodological component is implemented through the use of certain methodological approaches (competence, information, system, terminology, modeling); the subjective component unites teachers and students; the objective one is aimed at the components of the educational process; the procedural component determines the stages of the design activity; the diagnostic-comparative component is to determine the criteria, levels and indicators of digital competence of students.
How to Cite
digital competence, educational process, designing, structural and functional model, design stages, future specialists
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