

Published: Aug 1, 2022


The methodological fundamentals of paremyology as a science, starting from the second half of the XIX century, are analyzed. The notion of paremy in the tradition and modern linguistics taking into account the multidimensional approach and the fact that paremy is an interdisciplinary research object is considered. The peculiarities of the interpretation of the term paremy as a complex formation with the system of corresponding subtypes are described. The linguistic essence of paremy in a broad and narrow sense is clarified. The basic attributes of paremy and their functional load are distinguished. Taking into account the multidimensional approach to the interpretation of the term paremy, the following definition is proposed: it is a short folk expression of educational content, etiquette or discursive nature, constructed as meaningfully or syntactically completed sentences, briefly expressing the truth or a certain rule of life, appropriate or metaphorically, representing the national character, worldview, culture of the people or their mentality, relevant traditions and symbols. The parameters of the study of paremy today are expanding, becoming more specific. The classifications of paremy are being modernized, just as the range of their constitutional features is expanding.

How to Cite

Koloniuk, S. (2022). THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE PAREMY IN TRADITIONAL AND MODERN LINGUISTICS: A MULTI ASPECT APPROACH. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 103-111.
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classification of paremias, constitutional attributes of paremias, paremiology, paremia, functions of paremias

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