

Published: Aug 1, 2022


The article presents a theoretical approach to the process of managing the region’s competitiveness. An enlarged scheme of the mechanism for managing the competitiveness of Ukrainian regions is proposed, which allows interaction of elements of the regional competitiveness management system, as well as achieving a high level of socio-economic development of territories. The economic content is revealed and a comparative analysis of the interpretations of the concept of «regional competitiveness» is carried out. The concept of competitive potential of the region has been supplemented and clarified. It is determined what is meant by the competitiveness of the region, and what criteria underlie this category. The elements of the formed Regional Competitiveness management mechanism are studied in detail, which include: collecting information, conducting an assessment, identifying competitive advantages and «weaknesses», developing a regional development strategy, implementing a management decision and evaluating the results of implementation. A comparative analysis of methods for assessing the competitiveness of regions of domestic and foreign authors is carried out, on the basis of which similarities and differences are identified. The similarity of the considered methods lies in the unity of the object of research. Differences were identified in the following areas: the information base of the study; the number of indicators (indicators) underlying the assessment; and the methods used in the analysis process. It is determined that now there is a need to develop a comprehensive assessment methodology adapted to the conditions of a particular region.

How to Cite

Maslivets, H., & Ignatenko, O. (2022). MODELING THE MECHANISM FOR MANAGING THE REGION’S COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 112-121.
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management mechanism, region competitiveness, management decision, assessment methodology, competitive advantages, competitiveness criteria, regional competitive advantages, competitive potential of the region, rating assessment

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