

Published: Aug 1, 2022


The semantic field of the concept of "internally displaced persons" and its connection with the concepts of "migrants", "refugees", "forced migrants" are analyzed. It is determined that one of the main signs of "forced migration" is the emergence of various dangers and threats, feelings of uncertainty of their own future as a result of psychological trauma, often due to citizens of annexed Crimea and occupied Donetsk and Luhansk regions witnessed destruction and various types of violence. The term of personality loneliness is characterized and conceptualized. It was found that the subjective experience of loneliness of internally displaced persons is influenced by the peculiarities of the social support system, the trauma of events, the style of belonging, the stigmatization of the status of IDPs. It was found that together with the negative factors that cause loneliness in general, the situation of forced relocation triggers a crisis of personal, public (local), and social identities.

How to Cite

Nesterenko, I. (2022). LONELINESS OF INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS OF UKRAINE: THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEM. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 151-160. https://doi.org/10.30525/2592-8813-2022-1-18
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loneliness, internally displaced persons, migration from perforce, refugees, identity, social isolation, stigmatization

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