The article is devoted to the study of the nature of the content of human rights to security, its features and components, as well as to clarify the role of such rights in the field of national security of Ukraine. The methodology of studying the nature of human rights as an important element in the mechanism of national security in general is based on the provisions of the general scientific dialectical method of scientific cognition. The position is substantiated, according to which in the modern realities of the implementation of the rule of law and the establishment of the principles of sustainable development of Ukraine, the key task is to guarantee the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. Consequently, the content of human rights to security is the key that determines the start and functioning of the security mechanism of the state as a whole, and therefore requires a study of its nature and content. For a full and thorough revelation of the topic, the article also uses formal and legal and formal and logical scientific methods. It is argued that in modern conditions the main components of human rights on security are: 1) Natural human rights; 2) constitutional right and freedom of man and citizen; 3) Personal right to security in a broad and narrow meaning. The last part requires a separate scientific understanding in the context of forming a modern doctrine of natural security of Ukraine in order to increase the level of Ukrainian society credibility in the legislative, executive and judicial authorities in Ukraine, effective fight against corruption, increasing the level of political and legal culture in society, development virtuous and non-discriminately society, united by both respect for the defense forces and respect for the law, enshrined in current legislation. It is emphasized, that the main objects of national security of state are citizens - their constitutional rights and freedoms, as well as life and health. According to this, the main purpose of every legal and democratic state, which determines the person as highest social value is to ensure proper living conditions, preserve health, honor, dignity, right for self-recognition and of course private property. It is proved, that further prospects of Ukraine’s integration into European Union, first of all, depends on the states of national security within the country, namely on its components such as economic, environmental, food and information security. It is determined that the prospects for future scientific research in this area will be scientific developments to improve existing legislation that guarantees respect for human rights to security.
How to Cite
National security; Rule of Law; Informational security; Human Rights; Human Rights doctrine
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