

Published: Aug 1, 2022


The article analyzes the influence of Russian imperial policy on the situation of Orthodox monasteries of the Kyiv diocese, reveals the results and tragic consequences of secularization reform for diocesan monasteries, examines the long process of restoring monastic life from the late XVIII to early XX centuries. The research is based on the methodological principles of historicism, scientific objectivity and a systematic approach in combination with general scientific and special historical methods. Their application made it possible to find out the reasons for changes in the territorial boundaries of the Kyiv diocese and the impact of this factor on the number of its monasteries. By the decision of the Holy Synod in 1797, the territory of the Kyiv eparchy was brought in line with the new provincial territorial division. The situation of Orthodox monasteries and measures to change their status are analyzed. It is proved that the implementation of the manifesto on the secularization of spiritual land ownership in the Ukrainian lands dealt a severe and irreparable blow to Orthodox monasteries and monasticism. There was a sharp reduction of Orthodox monasteries with a simultaneous decrease in the number of monks, which had disastrous consequences not only for the church and monastery life of Ukraine, but also for the Ukrainian identity. The study of their position, the process of restoration of monastic life during the outlined chronological period, determined the relationship between the monasteries of the diocese and the outside world.

How to Cite

Chuchalin, O. (2022). THE SITUATION OF THE ORTHODOX MONASTERIES OF THE KYIV EPARCHY IN THE LATE XVIII – EARLY XX CENTURY. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 197-206.
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Orthodox Church, Kyiv eparchy, monasteries, monasticism, spiritual states, charity

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