

Published: Aug 1, 2022


The article considers the problems of intensive restructuring of certain parameters of training of future teachers of technology, in particular those that strengthen their professional and pedagogical qualifications, without violating the constructive developments of the past. The need for significant updating of the content, forms, methods, means and methods of teaching is determined, which will improve the quality of pedagogical qualification of graduates and its contradiction with the lack of reasonable and experimentally tested organizational and pedagogical conditions for modernizing professional and pedagogical training of future teachers of technology. It also reveals the professional and pedagogical training of future teachers of technology, which is based on strict consideration of modern educational requirements, such as: qualification characteristics of teachers and working professions in certain fields; requirements for the system of continuing professional education; subject-activity approach to professional training; age and individual opportunities of higher education students in the field of "Technology".

How to Cite

Shtainer, T. (2022). FEATURES OF PROFESSIONAL AND PEDAGOGICAL TRAINING OF THE FUTURE TEACHER OF TECHNOLOGIES IN THE HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 215-220. https://doi.org/10.30525/2592-8813-2022-1-25
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graphic training, future teacher of technologies, modernization, professional-pedagogical training, pedagogical conditions, technological education

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